Meeting Room

The conference is one of the types of prepared and planned speeches. Conferences in any scientific field are called public speaking. These are the planned speeches made by experts in fields such as science, art and technology which take place in front of a community in order to inform people about a certain subject. The purpose of the conference is to give the audience details on a certain subject and to tell facts about the issue at hand. The place where these speeches take place is called the conference room. A conference room but also theater shows, concerts and various other events are held in conference centers, which have a digital sound and video system and lighting equipment, network connections and even special rooms for interpreters in several languages. Getting information on any subject, sharing thoughts and expressions in social or cultural events are the main events held in unique meeting locations.  The conference center or conference rooms, which allow people to gather can be used in different ways. 

Conferences and Meetings

Conferences and meetings can be held not only in spaces designed for these purposes, but also in venues designed to host larger groups of audiences, which have the technological infrastructure available. Environmental conditions such as heat, humidity, light and sound should be taken into account when choosing a conference room so that other systems can be used effectively. In conference centers where activities such as meetings, seminars, and conferences are hosted the sound and video systems should be equipped in a professional manner, so that the speaker is visible and understandable, even from the back of the conference room. Since motions and facial expressions in speeches enable the transmission of what is told effectively, it is necessary that the conference center is designed accordingly.


The exhibition center, convention center, congress center or conference center is used to describe large closed places that will allow meetings and congresses to be held. These buildings generally have several units that can host…


A meeting is when individuals meet at a specific place and time to discuss or deal with some common interests. Meetings for information exchange, business purposes or HR issues need to be productive. The special…

Rent a meeting room

Apart from the conference rooms where many events are held, there are many options you can rent. You can rent a hotel, convention centers or even unique meeting locations such as a yacht to hold…

Special Meeting Location

Comfort is important in terms of prestige and efficiency in a workplace or a business. In the working areas, you should pay attention to the special meeting location. In terms of the efficiency of your…


Inspiring meeting location could be a difficult concept. Whereas one person defines the word as ‘including many details’, another person might find it to be ‘overpowering’. However, it all depends on your meeting’s exact objective.…

Rent a meeting room

Apart from the conference rooms where many events are held, there are many options you can rent. You can rent a hotel, convention centers or even unique meeting locations such as a yacht to hold…


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